78th Internee Liberation Celebration Jersey War Tunnels

78th Internee Liberation Celebration Jersey War Tunnels

We were so lucky to have such  settled  weather to hold our service of commemoration and remembrance . It is always held on the Sunday nearest to April 28th the day the camp was liberated by the Free French in 1945. Altogether there were 54 of us including former internees, their families and friends, members of the partnerschaft and of the Arts Centre youth theatre. The ceremony began with our chairman, Clive Armstrong , welcoming everyone, then 3 members of the youth theatre read selections of poetry and prose. Lola Garvin (a former internee) read from the late Michael Shepherd’s published Memories of April 1945 Liberation in Wurzach Camp. A short service of prayers was led by Father Nick Barry from St Luke’s Church. Clive Armstrong then read the remembrance list of those who are buried in Wurzach Cemetery and did not return to Jersey and the ceremony concluded with a  minute’s silence.

Those who wished to could then visit the garden of remembrance and lay red roses on the memorial plaques to those who did not return. Red roses were also given to former internees. We all adjourned to the café to reminisce and meet our friends over excellent cake and afternoon tea. It was so heartening to see so many people meeting together again after the past years of uncertainty due to Covid.  We are very grateful to the staff at the War Tunnels for allowing us to hold our ceremony there and for providing excellent refreshments. They are always welcoming and very accommodating.